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BuscndoAmgoSabio 61F
0 posts
8/27/2023 8:00 pm
My first day here

This is my first day here at It has such possibility ensconced in its name. A place to find a friend, or friends, who will be of Spanish language capacity. That is really what I am hoping for.

So far there has been no knock at my door. Of course I have only knocked at one door myself. Perhaps I should do what I tell my to do, work to get at least three rejections a day. Then you can be successful every day and still have a 3-in-1 chance of finding what you are looking for.

I wish I were a better catch, more physically desirable, less cantankerous, less challenging, more congenial, more hopeful and on and on. But then I remember so does everyone wish to be more of what they are not and less of what they are. Everyone that is real. Everyone that is honest with themselves. The women with curls wish they had straight hair, the women with butts wish they were petite. The women with confidence with they could demur...and on and on and on.

I wish I could find someone who adored me as I am and who was comfortable enough with their best parts so that I could also adore them as they are.

I will attempt to write here daily. But I will do it in English. However I will reach out to friends in Spanish, trying to resist the urge to check my language with Google translate. I have a degree that qualifies me to teach Spanish. But I want to talk it, to think it, to react in it. I am a therapist and I hope to one day be able to offer therapy to those who speak Spanish. But it will take many friends speaking to me, correcting me, and challenging me to expand my knowledge of this language.