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The Advice Line lets you ask all those questions you always wanted and then get advice from all the members of
Click on the titles to give your advice. Click here to ask your question.
ronwarren 74 M
3  questions
question to amigo - 2/27/2006

why are all of my comments marked dele respons ?????????? i'm only trying to help

2 response(s), 6 votes
ronwarren 74 M
3  questions
dumping her - 2/27/2006

hello not really dumping her, but how do a man get rid of a crazy lady, that does things like brake out your car windows, call 20 times a day 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 , am in the morning, call every night after getting drunk. <br> i own a few business, i have changed the , lost alot of business. <br> she puts notes in your mail box daily. <br> when she get drunk nightly ...

6 response(s), 4 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
Chupa - 2/26/2006

La chupa cabra fact or fiction they say it lives in the country down in Mexico

8 response(s), 3 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Makeup or not? - 2/24/2006

I never wore makeup when I was younger because people always commented on how I did not need it, and I still do not wear it. How do men feel about women wearing makeup?

7 response(s), 7 votes
papa_chubby 55 M
15  questions
Shaven or Unshaven? Rasurado o no? - 2/24/2006

Does body hair turn women on or off? Do you prefer men to be au natural, trimmed, or slicked down like the day they were born? <br> I recently started trimming just for comforts sake, but i wonder how others view this. <br> A las mujeres les gustaria el pelo del cuerpo natural? Prefieren que sus hombres esten todo natural, or trimiado or bien razuraditos? <br> ...

4 response(s), 8 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
To stay, or not to stay? - 2/22/2006

Would you stay in a relationship with someone who has cheated on you?

5 response(s), 4 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
lazy - 2/19/2006

If a woman look you straight in the eye can she tell if there will be a love connection. Or does she just have lazy eye.

3 response(s), 2 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Would you continue to date him? - 2/19/2006

At one time you lived in a trailer and now you are dating a man who told you he would not be dating you if you still lived in a trailer. Would you continue to date him?

5 response(s), 5 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions

Describe the perfect date.

11 response(s), 8 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Are relationships open today? - 2/19/2006

There are a lot men on this site that are attached/married, I want to know are relationships that open today, or are they just cheaters.

5 response(s), 8 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Do you ever wonder how ? - 2/19/2006

Because a picture is the first thing people ask for on this site, do you ever wonder how blind people find a mate?

6 response(s), 3 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Is it wrong? - 2/19/2006

In this day and age to you believe it is wrong for a couple who is not married to move in together?

5 response(s), 6 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Beauty or Brains? - 2/18/2006

In looking for a long term relationship would you choose someone who was decent looking but had a brain or a person who was beautiful but brainless?

7 response(s), 6 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you? - 2/17/2006

What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?

5 response(s), 7 votes
papa_chubby 55 M
15  questions
Love, actually. Are all great movies about love? - 2/17/2006

The Matrix, Altered states, 2001, Titanic, all of them at the end were the age old tales of the hero's journey and his soulmate who died or lived on to suffer without thier great love. <br> Is the implication that the only truth in life is too connect, in some metaphysical way, with another person?

5 response(s), 2 votes
papa_chubby 55 M
15  questions
Love, actually. Are all great movies about love? - 2/17/2006

The Matrix, Altered states, 2001, Titanic, all of them at the end were the age old tales of the hero's journey and his soulmate who died or lived on to suffer without thier great love. <br> Is the implication that the only truth in life is too connect, in some metaphysical way, with another person?

2 response(s), 1 vote
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
What would you do for your valentine? - 2/13/2006

If you had a sweetheart what would you do for them on Valentines day?

6 response(s), 4 votes
nepticar 65 M
1  question
I have a profile on this website and was wondering why guys haven't contacted me...? - 2/13/2006

Well, I'm not a Prince Charming riding on a white charger or a eye-catching man of mystery but just a regular, average, kind of guy just looking for a close relationship and/or something more with another guy...but Nada. What's wrong with me...? <br> Any advice...?

3 response(s), 2 votes
knightofnightp 50 M
1  question
Happy woman - 2/13/2006

hello! <br> I was wondering what is the most important thing that man has to do to make woman happy.

8 response(s), 7 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Is it ok for a man to cry? - 2/12/2006

A lot of people believe that it is not manly for a man to cry, how do you feel?

6 response(s), 4 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Why make obscene comments? - 2/12/2006

When women/girls are walking down the street why to men feel the need to make loud obscene comments? Why do they think women/girls like to hear them?

4 response(s), 4 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
What is sexy to you? - 2/12/2006

What do you find sexy about the opposite sex?

8 response(s), 5 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
What is the meaning of true friendship? - 2/12/2006

What is the meaning of true friendship to you?

7 response(s), 5 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Who is more Romantic? - 2/12/2006

Are French, Italian or Latino men more romantic?

16 response(s), 4 votes
Littlebitofi 58 F
20  questions
Do Jeep owners wave to each other? - 2/12/2006

I own a Jeep wrangler and in the States it is customary to wave at other Jeep owners as they ride by. I peace sign when I ride by. Do Jeep owners in Spanish speaking countries wave?

4 response(s), 3 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
boody - 2/11/2006

Why do women like to shake their booty when they walk down the street

4 response(s), 1 vote
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
pretty - 2/8/2006

do dimples make a woman prettier

4 response(s), 4 votes
friends288 42 F
1  question
what do i do - 2/7/2006

what do i do with the tree people who have showm me interest how do i mail them goretti

2 response(s), 4 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
chocolate - 1/30/2006

Why do women like chocolates, peanuts and coke?

2 response(s), 6 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
chocolates - 1/29/2006

Why do women like chocolate, peanuts, and soda?

2 response(s), 1 vote