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The Advice Line lets you ask all those questions you always wanted and then get advice from all the members of
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angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
do you take love and your spouse for granted? - 7/23/2005

do you take love or your souse for granted? i hope not! im sure we all have done it. i have. last year in october i met them man of my dreams. wich is now my husband as of 7*10*05. but wait this story has a point. i think. lol. well you see i met this wonderfull man. but by being hurt so much when iwas younger, i built a wall. a wall called pride. i had to much pride in me, that i told my ...

0 response(s), 5 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
Loving a criminal! lol. - 7/23/2005

LOVE. what does love mean to you? does it mean eing next to someone at night. holding them. whispering sweet nothing in there ear. does it mean having a good time with your mate. taking them to the movies, opening there door for them? sharing pop corn, or ice cream sundays? does it mean telling them how special they are to you everynight before yo lay down to sleep. or calling them in the ...

2 response(s), 3 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
what "era" would u have liked to live in? - 7/23/2005

what era would you have liked to live in? the 40's the 30' how about the 1800's? midevil times? caveman days? me i would have liked to live in the 30's 1800's and the whenever 50's love them old cars and poodle skirts! and grease!lol.

2 response(s), 6 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
what would a wood chuck - 7/23/2005

what would a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck?

1 response(s), 2 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
what do you do when u get dumped? - 7/23/2005

i was reading a question, and i stumbled across a good one i havnt seen on here yet. that is what do you do when u get dumped? do you go fishing all by your self, do crawl up and watch movies in bed all day, do you go out and meet as many people as you can? what is it that you do?

1 response(s), 2 votes
cowboyintexas49 68 M
1  question
When to meet - 7/22/2005

When do you feel the is right time to ask for a face to face meeting with someone and why?

1 response(s), 2 votes
jennbonita 44 F
4  questions
Should I worry? - 7/20/2005

I met a very nice, polite, hard working man. The only problem----the distance. He lives about 3 hours away. We seem to get along, but I have caught him lying twice already. Does anyone have any advice?

0 response(s), 4 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
getting dumped - 7/17/2005

Why is it when a male gets dumped he goes buys himself a nice car or 4 wheel drive, and the women will go to Wal-mart and buy 3 pair of shoes?

1 response(s), 4 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
idioma - 7/6/2005

Do all latinos speak their native tongue? For example if that person lived in England what language would they speak or write? Or Germany etc. etc. piensalo bein con pascincia

1 response(s), 4 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
silly question 2 - 7/6/2005

why do we days heads up when we actually put are heads down?

3 response(s), 2 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
silly question - 7/6/2005

if a basebal player hit a home run over the fence but then dies before he can around the bases run does it still count?

2 response(s), 6 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
Vegetarians look slimer and gentler how come? - 7/3/2005

I have a friend who is vegetarian she looks pretty good but sometimes she faints if she stands up to fast.

1 response(s), 4 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
what latin female singer is the most entertaining? - 7/2/2005

Seems to me Gloria Estefan would be on top

4 response(s), 10 votes
rollwflo 63 M
191  questions
Are men more emotionally stronger than women? - 7/1/2005

Ive seen men who have been dumped, and fall apart, and for women they seem to be like a open wound, what do you think?

1 response(s), 4 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you could be invisible - 6/30/2005

if ou could be invisible for one hour where would you go and what would you do?

2 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you could ask god one question - 6/30/2005

if you could ask god one question what would it be?

2 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you had to marry one celebrity - 6/30/2005

if you had to marry oe celebrity alive today who would it be?

5 response(s), 5 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you were a machine - 6/30/2005

if you were a machine wich one would you be?

1 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you could see anyone naked - 6/30/2005

if you could see anyone alive naked who would it be?

1 response(s), 3 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you could pick one person - 6/30/2005

if you could pick one famous person presently alive who would you pick?

1 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if your house could be haunted - 6/30/2005

if your house could be haunted by one famous person who would it be by?

0 response(s), 0 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
best kiss ever - 6/30/2005

if you had to describe the best kiss ever how would you describe it and who was it with?

1 response(s), 2 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you won the lottery - 6/30/2005

if you won the lottery what is the frist thing you would do?

4 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
why cant people be them selfs???? - 6/30/2005

why cant people just be them selfs. for reals????? why do they have to be just like the person next to them and not like the person inside of them??? feel me?

2 response(s), 5 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
what is it with guys and lesbians???? - 6/30/2005

why are guys so fasinated with two women at once? isnt onw good enough for you ???? lol.

0 response(s), 6 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
why do people got to hate?????????? - 6/30/2005

why do people hate on other people, why are they so jelous when if they wanted to they could have the same thing.

4 response(s), 5 votes
brneyes1990 53 M
1  question
Perfect Partner? - 6/29/2005

Who or what would be your perfect partner. I know alot of us have an idea of who/he is? or is it just in our minds to create that perfect person we look for.

0 response(s), 0 votes
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if you coulld live anywhere in the world - 6/29/2005

if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

3 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
if u had three wishes? - 6/29/2005

if you had three wishes what would they be?

2 response(s), 1 vote
angelbabyz 40 F
46  questions
whats the worst movie you ever seen? - 6/29/2005

whats the worst movie youve ever seen?

2 response(s), 2 votes